100 Scope Notes
Karen Jensen, MLS, August 7, 2024 | Professional Development, Uncategorized
In the News takes a look at the recent statement from EveryLibrary on Project 2025 and Libraries
Robin Willis, March 20, 2020 | Uncategorized
Many of us are currently in a position to take advantage of online learning opportunities while we do our best to quarantine/isolate/distance ourselves in an effort to flatten the curve of Covid19. But where to start? Free Archived Webinar Sites Public Library Association Infopeople Programming Librarian Demco Ideas & Inspiration Maryland State Library Resource Center […]
Robin Willis, November 28, 2016 | Middle School Monday
A Crucial Strand of PD. We have an early-release day coming up. Does your school have those? Where you get to squeeze the work of a whole school day with students into a shorter time frame and then stay for meetings and/or professional development? Just typing that out is making me a bit tired. This […]
Karen Jensen, MLS, July 20, 2020 | Collection Development, Professional Development
A massive list of collection development resources
Karen Jensen, MLS, April 17, 2019 | Uncategorized
Recently asked to do RA training with staff, we decided to focus on diversity and inclusion. Here's an outline of what that training looks like.
Karen Jensen, MLS, September 16, 2018 | Sunday Reflections
I often like to follow a conference tag on Twitter when I can’t attend a conference because I still tend to learn from them. I will screen shot tweets and send them to people I know who have been discussing the issue or save ideas for future consideration. This is what was happening when I […]
Karen Jensen, MLS, August 22, 2018 | Collection Development
This year has been a deep dive into collection development for me. Actually, the last two years have been. Granted, collection development is always a part of the job and it is arguably my favorite part of the job, but these past 2 years I have been deeply involved in analysis and budgets and things […]
Karen Jensen, MLS, March 21, 2018 | Collection Development
I began working at The Public Library of Mount Vernon and Knox County in Ohio in January of 2015, for the second time. This was actually the public library I got my start in and I, along with a peer named Holly, were the first people ever hired to do teen services at this library. […]
Karen Jensen, MLS, June 21, 2012 | Collection Development
The other day, I was interviewed by up and coming ya author Victoria Scott regarding Collection Development. Collection development is, of course, one of the biggest parts of our job. Although, ironically, I once worked at a library that put together a spread sheet of how much time you should spend each week of your […]
Karen Jensen, MLS, April 24, 2012 | Collection Development, Edelweiss, Tools
This is one of those ‘informative training type’ posts where I want to let you guys in on a little website that has completely blown my Snuggie off. (Don’t steal my phrase…I’m gonna trademark that.) Basically, if you are a librarian who orders books or if you work in collection development, you are going to […]
Politics in Practice
by John Chrastka
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